mLab Rotary Encoder Module


Rotary Encoder Module RM328

REM328 is a universal encoder module with an ATMEGA 328/16MHz on board.
It comes with an Arduino bootloader so you can easily upload your own sketch via FTDI or ISP.

All parts are surface mounted on the solder side.

  1. 5 pads for an EN11 or EN12 rotary encoder with push switch.
  2. 8 pads for a plug in place OLED or RGB TFT display.
    successfully tested with I2C and SPI displays
    7 pads for OLED monochrome displays with SSD1306 driver.
    8 pads for RGB displays and backlight with TFT_ST7735 driver.
  3. 9 GPIO pads.
  4. 6 ISP/SPI pads.
  5. 5 FTDI pads
  6. 3 pads for general purpose Neopixel devices (e.g. LED stripe, ring ...)
  7. and 4 pins in place to mount the piggyback Neopixel LED Ring PCB.
GPIO Pinout:
  1. GND
  2. D4
  3. D5
  4. D7
  5. D9
  6. D10
  7. A0
  8. A1
  9. A2
  10. A3
  11. A4
  12. A5
  13. A6
  14. A7
ISP/SPI Pinout:
  1. MISO
  2. VCC
  3. SCK
  4. MOSI
  5. RESET
  6. GND

FTDI Pinout:

  1. DTR
  2. TX RX
  3. VCC
  4. GND
Display Pinout
  1. GND
  2. VDD
  3. SCK
  4. SDA
  5. RES
  6. DC
  7. CS
  8. BLK

Neopixel LED Ring

Neopixel LED Ring

The optional Neopixel piggyback LED RING PCB has a mounting hole for the encoder.
However, you can use any other Neopixel LED chain instead, by wiring the DO output to the next Neopixel DI input.